A Long walk in Argopuro

Sunrise in Cikasur
 DAY 1
            I started from lawang by motor to sidoarjo before I went to bungur bus terminal at ten o’clock in surabaya. And I continued my way to basuki and arrived about 3 o’clock in the dawn.
            That day the journey was beginning. I was at basuki and I have to go to baderan before the sun is rising. On the way By pickup car from basuki to baderan is beautiful with sunrise,  unique places around and people with another language make me feel strange but enjoying. Just wanna smile in every step.  
me and soglenk in Argopuro's License Locket
             Arrived in baderan about 07:00 AM and the license locket hasn’t opened still. So waiting for that about one hour then at 8 o’clock I started walking in Argopuro.  On the way in baderan was nice with hillness and foggy around. Just keep walking and enjoy the scenery.
And the next destination from baderan is Mata Air 1 that’s POST I. I spent about 8 hours by walking from baderan to Mata air 1, including break in the middle journey and waiting some friends. Arrived in mata air 1 at 4 o’clock and spending the night there.

            Wake up early morning in mata air 1 with the tweets of bird while waiting for sunrise. So directly took water and made a little breakfast then continue walking to cikasur at 8 o’clock.
            On the way through cikasur that took so long time and wide scenery environs. You know there’s some advice when walking here “Don’t walk alone especially at night” the meaning is there are many of liar animals and danger but I don’t think about ghost. Honestly I walked alone here caused my group are separated maybe because I didn’t know yet about cikasur so I could enjoy my walking and sometimes stopped to look around.
Water Resource
             About 11:30 AM I arrived in Cikasur Post and having lunch there. So calm and natural where is near water resource and where’s I camped and spent the night again there.

            In the morning in cikasur was so cold. So after woke up, I directly looking for shine of sun to harm my body. I met a peacock but I failed took its picture. So just could hear their tweets around cikasur.
 At 9 AM I decided to go to argopuro’s top. From cikasur to the top I have to pass cisentor and rawaembek then arrived in the middle between Argopuro’s top and Rengganis’s top about 02:30 PM.  That time I decided to hike argopuro’s top tough which is took my time about 1 hour of go and back.
Soglenk, adhit and me in Argopuro's Top
Then directly to Rengganis’s top taking 30 minutes go and back. And at 4 o’clock in the afternoon I had finished 2 tops. And actually I would like to go back to cisentor directly but friends of my friend asked us to wait for them. So anyway we wait it. And in the twilight I was on the way to cisentor. I mean I camped and spending the night in cisentor.

            In the night in cisentor was really, really cold and felt like my body got freeze. Be grateful I could endure it. till the morning’s coming.
My Group in Cisentor
            Packing then continued my next journey to Taman Hidup. About 11 AM from cisentor the way to taman hidup felt fresh although  I know Its gonna take so long time on the way where is through Hilness, Cemoro Limo, Hutan Lumut and then get in Taman Hidup.
On the way to Taman Hidup
            Noted must to wear some discover clothes on this way because there’s many passion plants and insects but not deadly I think. In the whole journey from cisentor to taman hidup wasn’t feel so hard because not really slope upward. So tired at my feet when I arrived in taman hidup about 5 PM and decided to camp for the ending night. 

Taman hidup is a name of a lake in argopuro. That morning I wake up then took a walk around there.
Take a Walk in Taman  Hidup
Taman Hidup's Lake
             After satisfied sepnding time In Taman Hidup, I decided to Bremi Village to find mini bus and going home. And got in bremi in the day and you know its felt so free of worry when the I look at village. Take a rest, eating Bakso in bremi while waiting for mini bus there because there’s only one minibus that destine to city there and leave in the afternoon.

            In middle night I arrived in Bungur terminal in Surabaya. I mean I was near at home. And in the morning I have to work normally.

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