Time is limited for wasting cigarette in The Peak of Nirwana

Prio and me discussed about the road
          What do you feel when your time is limited but you need more? I know, You Must Be Thinking of it. Manage a time is more important than manage money for me. Yesterday I woke up at 08:00 AM what I planned at 05:00 AM but I felt asleep. No, no, honestly I was just lazy. I had a tryst with gang to be in base camp at 10 o’clock and my obstacles are I hadn’t washed my clothes, didn’t get shower yet and washed my motor. However, all prettily well done and I got base camp by on time. When all members got ready to make some adventures so people just need count one two three four here we go!!!

Looking for something
            Panoramic beauty I could see it from where I set in photo above. Make a conversation while smoking in a mountain just made us thirsty of coffee. You know nirwana is a permanent funeral where is located in plateau Prigen and according the people there’s myth about heirloom flask. In the garden grass I didn’t see any ghost and nothing except stone with write off.

Waiting for The rain
            We planned on explore that mountain but the weather wasn’t support so that’s just gave a limit time even it was hard to smoke in cloudy cause a few seconds later it’s going to rain and wouldn’t let my cigarette get  drawn. You can see two boys behind me in photo above. They were protecting their mobile from soft raining while I thought about cigarette and we felt like be thieves when we had to find place to shelter hurry on.

 We’re only four persons that walked away in Nirmana. There’s Nothing special but we enjoyed the scenery and joking habitually despite our time were limited in nirwana even my cigarette was still remained. 

We weren't gossiping we were just discussing about hungrier
            I was not too genius for taking some conclusions of the adventure in nirwana. The only thing I can still remember about happiness and new challenges while I get adventuring in this world and surely, we need a time to make it. So don’t waste your time. One day you will be old then die and your time will be lost. Time is limited!!!

My Birthday was spending with Adventure and Something New

            I decided to keep staying in another city when my birthday was coming. I wouldn’t go home because I would like to make something new in my birthday in 22th this time. I prefer celebrate a birthday with look for new knowledge and experience than spending money to buy beer, you know that’s improvidence. So the night by the time a birthday I tried to makes some planning for my new old.

Playing Billiard and Drinking milk

Play billiard
            Honestly, I like celebrate my birthday in a rather simpler way but satisfy, so I just take it easy. In the night by the time my birthday I went to play billiard but I didn’t mean celebrate my birthday by billiard because I really cannot play it even I can’t hold the stick truly and maybe I just could enjoy watching my friends played it marvelously and they played it with full tilt. You know I’ve tried twice round and I was still not able to defeat them. After billiard we decided go to an event similar concern but failed because some troubles. However, we didn’t want to go home quickly even I haven’t spend my money any rupiah. Then we discuss about next destination and we turn to some place for drinking. Actually, we are four persons but when I was going to order drink two of my friends were going in toilet. So I didn’t know what they want to drink and finally I ordered four cups of milk and you know they complained about it but keep joking. We made a bull for about three hours and actually I didn’t get any connection what they’re talking about and whatever I just feigned understanding and followed it until finally we got home in the middle night.

An adventure in earthen dam

            The day was day off when my birthday this year so I had a day for adventure. I woke up at 8 o’clock that time then go to bathroom before I was enjoying sunburn but there’s also bad news. You know what’s that? I couldn’t breakfast because a lot of shops were being closed. 

Old bridge where it first time I go across
             The first reason why I stopped my driving that I saw a bridge was unique that made me interested to through it. I felt rather afraid when I walked on the middle of that bridge because a part of wood seems brittle and crumbly but I like it because that’s a challenge for me.
            Then after passed it I found a place where was stranger for me. There’s only white ground and a little water. You can see on the photo bellow. 

The ground white
            I drifted on the lake but I didn’t know what the name I just enjoy the air condition and some views with cigarette in my mouth. Actually, maybe many of people were fishing here because I saw them sitting in edge of lake while holding a stick. 

in the edge of lake
            Such a hot day made me think to go home but I still eager to walk around so I continued my journey for the next I went to a place out of the bridge. You know I just saw herd of goats on the way “oh man… that’s like the movies” I really enjoyed my journey. I would like to look for restaurant or maybe small shop to have breakfast but I didn’t get any shop moreover restaurant. Finally I turn back because I was so hungry but I satisfied with my journey that day. 

Be acquainted with other people.  

            When I enjoyed driving I saw two kids that playing something on the boat then I feigned take shelter. A few minutes later I ask to them to pose by their own accent and they looked funny with villager style, you know it reminded me when I was a young boy. Just like them go to some places by bicycle. 

Meet two kids in the big river
             It was really nice to meet them and they are kind and it seems similar when we started to talk. They told me about their trip to be here whereas I told my destination to be here. We shared our own experiences. While enjoying we bought some snack and drink to increase our times. Till we thought enough and finally I have to go because I wouldn’t waste my time too much. Just say Goodbye and nice to meet them.