Time is limited for wasting cigarette in The Peak of Nirwana

Prio and me discussed about the road
          What do you feel when your time is limited but you need more? I know, You Must Be Thinking of it. Manage a time is more important than manage money for me. Yesterday I woke up at 08:00 AM what I planned at 05:00 AM but I felt asleep. No, no, honestly I was just lazy. I had a tryst with gang to be in base camp at 10 o’clock and my obstacles are I hadn’t washed my clothes, didn’t get shower yet and washed my motor. However, all prettily well done and I got base camp by on time. When all members got ready to make some adventures so people just need count one two three four here we go!!!

Looking for something
            Panoramic beauty I could see it from where I set in photo above. Make a conversation while smoking in a mountain just made us thirsty of coffee. You know nirwana is a permanent funeral where is located in plateau Prigen and according the people there’s myth about heirloom flask. In the garden grass I didn’t see any ghost and nothing except stone with write off.

Waiting for The rain
            We planned on explore that mountain but the weather wasn’t support so that’s just gave a limit time even it was hard to smoke in cloudy cause a few seconds later it’s going to rain and wouldn’t let my cigarette get  drawn. You can see two boys behind me in photo above. They were protecting their mobile from soft raining while I thought about cigarette and we felt like be thieves when we had to find place to shelter hurry on.

 We’re only four persons that walked away in Nirmana. There’s Nothing special but we enjoyed the scenery and joking habitually despite our time were limited in nirwana even my cigarette was still remained. 

We weren't gossiping we were just discussing about hungrier
            I was not too genius for taking some conclusions of the adventure in nirwana. The only thing I can still remember about happiness and new challenges while I get adventuring in this world and surely, we need a time to make it. So don’t waste your time. One day you will be old then die and your time will be lost. Time is limited!!!

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