Going to the Second Place in Kelud Mountains

            It never been planning before, I thought I just followed what were friends up to and what they go. You know actually I was going to bali but there’s something wrong so that’s reason to wait for 2 weeks and thinking what the adventure. One of friends suggest to safari and others. Whatever, I just needed turn on my motor and just go challenging obstacles. We had spent for 2 days in the different places. I used my father’s motor to walk away that adventure.

Im on the way to kelud

I won’t mention what is the first place that I stayed but the second place is Kelud and I was so hungry there. Before I was hungry I had walked around the mountains and so many kinds of them. I found a tunnel that go in the direction of child of kelud. I entered  with a little fright  cause There’s no light inside but darkness. I heard weirdo voices and I couldn’t see the way that was making me walked slowly.  However, I passed that tunnel and I got light after going out of tunnel.

me and prio in front of tunnel to kelud's child

             And if you think that kelud is small place how if I climp more than hundreds steps before standing in the top of kelud. At first time I saw steps that going to the top I thought that’s impossible moreover such a hot day beside I thought that’s important for taking a photo on the top so my eager wouldn’t be defeated. I passed the steps one by one even I got tired and stop for a while to take a rest then move again until I had got the top. You know I can saw all of city and it felt like riding a helicopter.
Take a rest on the street
             I would like to swim in kelud’s pool but I didn’t do it cause after climbing a mountain some of my friends got weak and they said so hungry and tired so the only mind is leaving kelud. I got my friend’s house after leaving kelud and just like a busy one who never has time for relaxing as same as us that take a minute for dinner then continue the journey.

On the top of kelud after hiking the steps

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