The Conquest of Mount Panderman

                August 17 is the freedom day of Indonesia, in the same day I was struggling to conquest the mount Panderman. Mount Panderman is one of batu city icons. This mountain is visible from every corner of batu city. To climb Mount panderman, there are two routes. The first route is the most common route via toyomerto village, Pesanggarahan. From Pesanggarahan you will pass Latar Ombo, where usually climbers can supply water or camp and the Watu Gede where there are numerous huge rocks and the second route is very rare known and there are no facilities such as parking area and water supply as not designed for climbing base and this rote is a shortcut to summit and this rote is called as Curah Banteng route, a challenging route that few track is 90 deg awry and can only be reached by climbing method.

Enjoying the air and scenery
                In this year I never climbed the mount before and panderman is my first mount where I was climbing for this year. Maybe I can’t tell you about my stuffs which I’d prepared for climbing but I can give you some stories that six of my friends and I had experienced when we explored this mount. 

                Start from the old man who we met in the first way we entered. He looked terrible with his knife for tapping rubber trees and his dog around him. When we were walking beside him suddenly he talked to us “You will go peak with 7 persons? You are an odd so you better be couple in group”. We’re afraid of his advice and you know that’s impossible if one of us left or look for one member to join our group. However we decided to take any risk together no matter what the risk we have to keep moving on. Instinct for choosing the true road we always used it despite we got tired on the middle way and finally we got the first place for taking a rest and the name is Latar Ombo.

Gathering in the relax condition
                It was going to night and we might not continue journey to the top in the dark n weak condition because it would be so risk for hiking. So we have to prepare all of our stuffs such as Tent, Woods for bonfire, Foods and cleared up and you know towards the evening I took a walk around for checking condition. I didn’t realize that I walked on and on till got far from our camp in that time I found huge rocks.

Sitting on the top of huge rock
                I was looking for kali twig while checking place and I tell you that the scenery was amazing the voice of nature and the fresh air condition make me felt in paradise. Before the darkness around the way I had to come back to the camps. When the night we already made some bonfire.

Making some fire
                For one night there are so many accidents such as scary winds that blow up our tent and it made us felt cold even so cold in our skull. In the midnight many of us had gotten cramps and so sick what we felt in our legs and sometimes made us crying. All just made part of us couldn’t sleep despite our body so tired. At 2:54 AM we decided to carry on our journey because if we keep silent it can be killed by the cold air in Latar ombo. So we walked by using spotlight in the darkness of the road. Sometime a few of us getting tired and said give up but another reminds us to keep moving on for conguesting this mountain and get the peak. At 5:37 finally we could see the sunrise from the top of panderman and see the cities, mountains even all look so small. 

Photo of our memory
                Almost a half day we just stayed away in this place and made crazy things while enjoying beautiful scenery. And you know this is the final of our destination. And we could sing so many songs over there. The top of panderman.

Geng Ruwet V

Go find the submarine on the heart of city

                Hay guys, how have you been? You know more than 2 weeks I didn’t update my blog and actually this was my adventure last month that I didn’t have time to write on my blog. emmz nope, frankly I was getting lazy to write down on my blog. 
                I was curious with the submarine on the heart of city that I had ever seen on google earth before.  So I thought make an adventure to find it that’s good idea. In that night I started to learn the map while look for some information. You know I had to prepare it before I lost just like adventure to suramadu bridge previous. However, walking on road alone is not fun enough. Rinny Stephanie, my friend from college 2 years ago. I invited her to accompany me to find the submarine.   

Rinny and me just standing up
                We made agreement to see face to face on some place. Emmz, maybe we wasted 30 minutes of our time because of misunderstanding anyway that’s fine. The main point was we met and walked together to get our destination. You know she had opportunity for embarrassing me when she showed me the road and she actually more knowing about that road than me. I didn’t think bad about and however she defeated me that time. But all was covered when I told her that I never been there before and I didn’t know the way.
On brdge near submarine
                We stopped for a while to break and enjoying the scenery. You this city was wonderful and when I walk stood up on the bridge to see so many building around with lamps that emboss the night was sparkling. 
Sitting inside the submarine
                And finally, we got the submarine and really the submarine was so closed with the bridge where I stood up. And you know I had ever told you about this submarine before in my last post so I don’t need to tell again. Honestly I have much story from this journey just don’t get a good mood for writing. I’m sorry. :(

                This is the photo of submarine from google earth if you wanna visit it just look for by yourself I just give this 7°15'56.48"S 112°45'0.88"E. that’s really help you. :D
submarine from google earth