Just Getting Lost in Pakuwon City

                Pakuwon city is a unique waterfront township located in east surabaya, indonesia. The residents of pakuwon city are provided with a safe and secure environment complete with 24-hours security, a private clubhouse, swimming pool and children’s playground. The toenship also offers a complete range of estate management services, such as road maintenance, landscaping and maintenance of shared facilities.

Pakuwon City is So silent Town
                That night I had destination to suramadu bridge and that’s the challenge of my adventure because I never been there before and I didn’t know the road to that bridge. So I used my feeling then far and far away I just followed up the way till I found the silent road which almost nothing people but the sound of wind and the dark night with the lamps all look like full of mystery place. The road leaded me until found the beautiful building and nice scenery but nobody there. I just saw the name of Pakuwon City on Pillars beside the road. However, Pakuwon city wasn’t my destination so I just took for a while then continue my journey.     
             I got problem. You know my fault is nothing map prepared, so I just used compass on my mobile android. Actually, I had tried to open my GPS but I didn’t get any signal in that way and I had tried to look for wi-fi on the way but that’s just wasted my time. You know on the middle I felt like going to give up and turn back but I remembered that I had stepped so far away so I didn’t want to go home without any success on that adventure. 
              When I realized all of my faults, I just could use compass and roadmap to get my destination and honestly it was not really hard. So finally I arrived on suramadu bridge after my journey for 4 hours then I drunk some coffees under the bridge.

Drinking some coffees under the suramadu bridge

The Night in Surabaya City

            Nothing special but took a walk in surabaya city last night. You know that time I wouldn’t like to spend my weekend with needless thing on my room and fortunately my friend invited me to exhibition in surabaya city and so I just said “Why not”. I was just guessing that night will be good enough to look for something new and set my mind at ease. 

Jazz Vs Rock on concert
            The city of surabya is really never be lonely whether it night or day. When I was walking in that city last night, you know I don’t feel so silent but crowd everywhere. You know the light of lamp which is colorful in high builds was sparking just like defeat the star and maybe in tokyo is common but for villager who the first time come to city that’s amazing and the other side the bands as Rock, Jazz and Pop they may seen if you are taking a walk at this city on weekend and sure not only band, there are some creative communities too they are paper craft, painting, card battle, bike and much more that you can find in this city. Check some photos of community bellow.
Some Communities
            The youths of this city were overawing and I was interested to join them if I have chance to stay in surabaya sometime. Maybe I don’t much know about them but I had little knowledge about these communities, so let me tell you. First is paper craft which you have to make a shape as car, hero, plane etc by paper as like picture above that toys made by arrange of paper. Maybe you’ll think that’s easy when you look someone’s making it but you know that’s not like what you think. I ever made a plane by paper craft and that’s so difficult and 2 days I just had done with bad result, LOL. Then about Painting, you just need draw by paint or brush and that’s sample and cheap for practicing. I ever draw my room such as they did. Card battle, you play card and if you get much stars you’re gonna be strong and win but I think that’s just for kids. LOL.

Just waiting for something and relax
            Well, I think the art of painting is my hobby. Because that’s cheapest and needn’t much thinking and counting. You know so often time I draw on my arm by using pen and honestly, my note book is full with painting by pen color. I have so much history about painting especially about imagine which you draw by imagination without thinking. I can teach you if you need it. 

            My friend, his name is Giri who took me to this place and you know he is one of Paper Craft Community. he has many toys of paper craft and unique toy others. We just walked around and made a strange thing and you know the moment that hard to forget when he asked me to pose while bringing a weapon of paper then direct it to the police’s head. Fortunately the police didn’t get emotion. LOL

Time to go home

            I had to go home because I had something to do especially watching “Animal United Movie” that I had downloaded the day before, so I wouldn’t pass it. 

            When I was on the way to go home, I passed a subrine monument which is the biggest submarine in Asia that was built in surabaya.And the name is KRI Pasopati 410 that's including type of SS Whiskey Class made in Vladi Wostok, Rusia on 1952. Frankly, I would like to visit it if my time is enough. you know I was back home when the night is dead. so the monument is closed.